Filetransfer via cable panned ?

maiemi posted this 09 August 2019

Hi there, the way to transfer files or any other data from pc to iphone over wifi is not the best solution for me, because my wlan is not the fastest. Is there a solution planned, to transfer data via usb cable ? I ask myself, why it is neccessary to transfer data via wifi, when the device has to be connected to the pc with an usb cable... In believing that someone will give me an answer, I will wait patient on this...

kind regards, maiemi

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admin posted this 13 August 2019

Hi maiemi

sorry but there is no other solution possible. Not because we wouldn't able to develop that, no the Apple restrictions are the reason. All Apps in iPhone running in a sandbox. That means, the Apps have not access to functionality outside their box, expect from Apple allowed services (internet, music, contacts, etc.), but not to other third party Apps. The same applies in the other direction. From outside into sandboxes isn't allowed.

In addition, it is not enough to simply transfer files. Information about the new file must also be put in various databases.

Best Toni

maiemi posted this 13 August 2019

Hi Toni, thank you very much for your friendly reply! :-) I did not think „the Apple side“ on my considerations. So we only can wait, and hope for the new features iOS 13 will bring with. I read some articles, that there will be a „real file accessment“ and that sounds hopeful, that there will be a way to transfer data via usb cable to the device. Especially the rumors, that iTunes will be abolished. Best regards, maiemi

admin posted this 16 August 2019

Hi maiemi

you can trust me. I'm the developer of the iDevice Manager and I know, what's supported from Apple.

You can see it by yourself, if you have a look in the File Explorer feature in IDM. There are just an hand full directories visible. This is the "free" content. No contacts, WhatsApp, SMS, etc. is available.

Just with a jailbreak is it possible to get access to all directories on a iPhone/iPad. But jailbreaking have many risks and isn't recommended!

Best Toni

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